The Process

Acceptable Materials
Produce Scraps
Peels, cores, stems, nut shells, beans, etc.

Cheese, butter, yogurt, and other milk -based products

Coffee Grounds
Used coffee grounds or beans, coffee filters, and tea leaves

Cooked Meat
Cooked pork, beef, poultry, fish, and bones

Cracked egg shells, cooked, or whole eggs

Bread, flour, rice, pasta, etc.

Prepared Food
Prepared dishes such as old or leftover pizza, take-out, etc.

Service Area
Our service area currently includes Florissant and Hazelwood, MO zip codes 63031, 63033, 63034, and 63042.
If you live outside those areas and are looking for a compost service, please contact us and we will do our best to connect with other compost services in the area.

Prohibited Materials
Produce Stickers
Stickers and labels on fruits and vegetables

Raw Meat & Grease
Raw or undercooked meat, grease, and cooking oil

Bands, Ties, Strings
Rubber bands, twist ties, and strings used to secure produce

Non-Organic Materials
All forms of plastic, glass, aluminum foil, and any non-organic materials